Thursday, October 23, 2008

Round About

Round about the Seasons spin,
The Wheel of Life turns again,
And weaves the Sabbats in a cosmic shawl,
Worn by the Goddess who rules us all.
From the May pole’s ribbons of pink and green,
She braids the fabric of a Midsummer’s dream;
The Maiden returns from her Underworld rest,
To don her violet girdle and white daisy vest.
A radiant June sews copper threads in her hair.
Queen of Summer Solstice; she is most passing fair.
Swollen with seed and flushed by the heat,
Soon in the fields, the Horned Lord she will meet.
From Mother’s Harvest Birth, we reap the Gifts of Earth:
Gourds and grain, roots and fruit, heaped on our hearth.
And November’s brittle net of russet, bronze, and gold,
Catches amber tears, yet she welcomes growing old.

The Wet Autumnal Warp and the Windy Winter Woof,
Braid twisted, crystal icicles hanging from her roof.
She wears a silver cape of the purest Yuletide Snow,
From Candlemas to Christmas, she twinkles all aglow.
Both the Holly King and the Green Man of Spring,
Court the Spinning Goddess whose Cycles bring,
Flying Colored Threads and the Turning Wooden Wheel,
The Fabric of our Lives from the Distaff as it whirls.
Round about the Quarters revolve,
Round about the Mother evolves,
Round about from Sun to Snow,
Round about the Seasons go.
Round about the Circle. Sing!
Round about goes Everything!

Written in 1998.
Diane Chancy